麻辣摇摆 | Mala Swing Festival 2016

来源:SwingChengdu 2016-8-14 9:14:21

Mala Swing Festival 2016

麻辣摇摆2016是 Swing Chengdu首届摇摆舞盛会,这也是首次美国爵士年代文化碰撞成都麻辣魅力的大型盛会。两天三夜超过72小时的活动中,包含了主题舞会、大师课程、CityTour、摇摆舞表演、Live Band爵士乐队等。

Mala Swing Festival is SwingChengdu's first workshop weekend! During these 2 days and 3 nights of awesomeness, there will be a live band, 4 hours of workshops, and a dance-themed city tour so you can experience the full spicyness of the great city of Chengdu.

Mala Swing Chengdu是摇摆舞的城市交流大盛会,作为主办方的成都,将开放邀请来自各地的摇摆舞者来到这里,并举办一系列摇摆舞活动,让各地摇摆舞者和本地舞者共同碰撞自己的舞技,学习不同的摇摆舞风格,同时了解不同城市的风土人情。

We're so excited to welcome swing dancers from around the country to come experience Chengdu, learn different swing styles, and get to know our local dancers!


So whether you love vintage clothing, jazz music, dancing, or sharing culture, come join us for a weekend to remember at Mala Swing Festival!

Visiting from out of town and need a place to stay? Let us know and we’ll put you up with a local host!


We’re proud to welcome veteran teachers to bring you to a new appreciation of the swing dance world and inspire you to dive deep into Lindy Hop.

Zeng & Beibei
恩爱十足的Zeng&贝贝组合,是中国最大的摇摆舞组织SwingBeijing组织者,也是2016年度的Frankie基金大使,在全球Lindy Hopper朝拜圣地Herrang Camp学成归来的他们,将给我们带来一整天的课程,分享他们从Lindy中理解到的自然、平衡、简单和有趣,以及如何从舞蹈中去寻找乐趣和与音乐的连接。

The lovely Zeng & Beibei are the organizers of SwingBeijing, the largest swing scene in China.  Zeng received the 2016 Frankie Manning Ambassador Scholarship to attend Herrang Dance Camp, and Zeng and Beibei together spent several weeks in Herrang with top dancers, and they are excited to share with us their new discoveries.  They will be teaching a full day of workshops on different swing styles, finding joy in music, and how to express yourself through lindy hop.


中国摇摆舞第一人,专业摇摆舞者,在旧金山学习swing dance之后,于2003年来到上海,创办了上海的第一个摇摆舞组织ShanghaiSwings,至今已教授了数以千计的学生,其中不少已成为了摇摆舞老师。多次参演电影的他,目前正在拍摄一部关于摇摆舞的电影“Swing Train 摇摆火车”,来记录进入中国的13年的摇摆舞在各地的发展状况。

Jimbo is a founder of Swing Dancing in China, founding the Shanghai community in 2003, and as such has been a fountain of knowledge for the Chinese dancing community for many years.  He will be attending Mala Swing Festival for the purpose of filming "Swing Train", a documentary about the growth of swing dancing in China.
And of course we also have our local teacher!



Ben is a real gentleman from America who has a passion for teaching.  He has danced for over 13 years, taught for 8, and is the founder of Bangkok Swing.

Mala City Tour

周日早上,我们将一起学一段麻辣编舞,然后和小伙伴们一起去成都的美食现场Lindy Bomb,来场麻辣又摇摆的City Tour。

Sunday morning we will have a chance to learn the “Mala” swing routine together, and in the afternoon we’ll go perform it flash-mob style somewhere in the city and go on a relaxed city tour.
Themed Dances


Be transported to the Jazz Age through the music, clothes, and dance of vintage America.

周五晚主题 : 复古主题舞会
Friday Night: 1930s Vintage 
周六晚主题: 水手风 
Saturday Night: Sailor-style
周日晚主题: 麻辣风(辣椒红/藤椒绿)
Sunday Night: Chengdu Spice


In addition to social dancing, each night will feature performances, fun dance activities, and Chengdu-style drinks and snacks.

Friday August 26
Vintage themed dance + Showcase competition

Beginning and first-time dancers are more than welcome to join us for our social dance parties – we will have a beginner’s intro class just before the dance.

Saturday August 27
白天 大师课: 
Master class: 

- 摇摆舞大师们不同风格+如何自我学习
- Presentation on Swing styles and how to teach yourself
- 重新认识摇摆舞,如何从Walking到Dancing 
- Starting with the basics: from walking to dancing
- 如何Dance to the Music 
- How to dance to the music
- Social中的自我表达和沟通
- How to express myself in a social

周六晚上:水手风主题舞会+Pro-Am Jack & Jill 比赛
Saturday night: Sailor themed party + Pro-Am and Jack & Jill competition

Sunday August 28
周日上午:Mala Chengdu Routine编舞工作坊(Ben&春晓)
Sunday morning: Mala Chengdu Routine workshop with Ben & Julia

周日白天: 美食CityTour+Mala Chengdu Routine的街头快闪
Sunday afternoon: City tour and Mala Routine flash mob!

Sunday Night: Chengdu Spice

How to Register
Full Pass: 800rmb per couple (Lead+Follow)
Full pass includes all three parties, master's classes on Saturday and Sunday, as well as the city tour.

为保证大师课中的Lead Follow的比例,Full Pass通票为两人票,包涵一个Lead和一个Follow名额,请各位伙伴报名时,可以提前找好舞伴一起报名哦~
In order to keep the lead/follow ratio even, the full pass can only be purchase for 2 people - one lead and follow role each.  

Party Pass: 240元/人 
舞会票: 240rmb per person
Party pass includes three parties as well as the city tour on Sunday. 

Click on "read more" below to register!

About Swing Chengdu


SwingChengdu, established in 2014 by Julia, is a group of dancers learning vintage social dances that began in America in the 1930s. Over the past two years, we have grown to nearly 300 people, with several class levels offered and two weekly social dances.  We also paved the way for the first vintage swing band in Chengdu. 

Click here to register!