今日我们为您请到的嘉宾是Kenny Tan
Kenny Tan是具有四川“麻辣”血统的华裔美国人,他完美融合了两国的传统文化。Kenny跟随父母曾居住于印第安娜,俄亥俄,田纳西,乔治亚,并最后定居在了马里兰州。肯尼现在担任乔治城的McDonough MBA招生委员会成员,他是为数不多的华裔美国人之一。基于在数据分析方面的专长,他负责MBA课程的数据管理和分析。目前,他在Hoyalytics执行委员会(McDonough数据分析)俱乐部。肯尼曾在乔治华盛顿大学生物统计中心作为一名生物统计学家工作于TODAY Diabetes Clinical Trial项目。肯尼在马里兰大学完成了自己的经济学学士学位,在佐治亚南方大学获得了生物统计学学士学位。为了保持忙碌,他报名参加了McDonough晚间MBA项目。
Kenny Tan is a Chinese-American who feels comfortable in both cultures. His parents came from China and lived around the US, which allowed Kenny to grow up in Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia, and finally Maryland. Kenny serves on the Admissions Committee for Georgetown's McDonough MBA program. He is one of the few Chinese-Americans on the admission committee of a major MBA program. He takes responsibility for the MBA program's data management and analyses due to his expertise in data analysis. Currently, he is on the Executive Board of the HoyAlytics (McDonough Data Analytics) Club. Kenny previously worked at the George Washington University Biostatistics Center as a biostatistician for the TODAY Diabetes Clinical Trial. Kenny received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Maryland in Economics and his Master of Public Health from Georgia Southern University in Biostatistics. Just to stay super busy, he decided to enroll in McDonough Evening MBA program.
Email: kt652@georgetown.edu
Website: https://msb.georgetown.edu/mba
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenny-tan-64156523/
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