美食 | 10款简单又健康的早餐单品

来源:希望潮 2016-11-10 9:20:26

When your alarm goes off and the clock starts ticking down before you have to rush off to work, the last thing going through your mind is a healthy breakfast. Perhaps you grab a bagel and coffee as you head out the door or hit a drive-thru for a breakfast sandwich. Either way, your body isn’t getting the nutrition it needs. Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean spending half an hour in the kitchen each morning. The following healthy breakfasts take fewer than five minutes to prepare and will get you ready to face your busy day.


Dressed Up Yogurt Parfait 
Creating a parfait proves to be a quick and easy breakfast that you can take with you on the run. TheGreek yogurt will add some lean protein and calcium to your morning while the assortment of seeds and nuts will bring in the healthy fats you need to keep your appetite levels down and your testosterone up. Finally, the dark chocolate and berries will bring in antioxidants and give just the right amount of sweetness.


 Oatmeal Energy Bites
Oatmeal energy bites are a great option for when you need a grab-and-go breakfast. Prepare these the night ahead and have them ready and waiting for when you wake up. They’re an energy dense option, so they're perfect for those busy days when you need a boost. With the slow-burning carbs from the oatmeal coupled with the healthy fats from the nut butter, these double as a calorie-dense option that's great for naturally thin men looking to build muscle.


Powered Up Oatmeal Bowl
Loaded with dietary fiber, this oatmeal bowl is going to combat heart disease while curing a case of morning hunger. In just seconds, you can have a balanced breakfast that’s as quick to eat as it is to make.


Blueberry Boost Smoothie
If you have a busy work day ahead filled with meetings and you need to be at your best, try a blueberry boost smoothie. Blueberries are great for enhancing your brain health and will provide you with a hearty dose of antioxidants and vitamins. Blend this together with a little kale, which will add detoxification benefits to your meal, and you’ll be all set.


Pumped Up Coffee
If the only thing on your mind when you wake up in the morning is a cup of coffee to get your day going, consider turning your morning brew into one that’ll nourish your body as well. By adding a little skim milk and protein powder to your coffee, you’ll get calcium, protein, and just a touch of carbs. If you happen to be heading into a workout session, consider making it chocolate milk to boot, for some added sugar as well.


It's the rule of life that everything you have always wanted comes the very second you stop looking for it. 


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